Part Number: TLV172 We are using TLV172 opamp as non inverting amplifier with overall gain 3.8. Even though input supply 3.3V we are getting output only 10.3-10.6V.
we are using opamp as single channel and drive with 12V supply.
But simulation results…
Part Number: TLV172 When I simulate the input impedance at 20kHz by applying a voltage and measuring the current then calculating the impedance calculates to ~2MEG this seems low.
I this a correct method to simulate the input impedance?
Part Number: TLV172 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BUF634A , UCC27517 Hi team,
Do we have high output current Comparator (>=120mA), I see most devices have max ~70mA, like TLV172.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards,
Part Number: TLV172 Dear sir,
Pls send the TLV172IDCKR power dissipation calculations based on thermal resistance and what is the maximum power dissipated this device
Part Number: TLV172 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: AMC1300 , TINA-TI , THS4151 , , THS4531A , THS4561 , THS4551 , THS4131 , OPA172 Dear sir,
we are trying to create the same circuit in pspice.
The TI-TINA reference design runs good and we are getting expected…
Part Number: TLV172 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA172 Is there a pinout diagram for the TL172 somewhere? The datasheet only gives pinouts for the 2172 and 4172. Thanks!
Part Number: TLV172 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA551 ,
Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler
Hello. I'm Seungmin.woo
I worked in enginner of isMedia.
These day, I'm developing new power board. so I want to use your opamp.
But, I meet the new difficult…