Part Number: TLV9352 I am looking for an alternate/replacement for an op amp which is a VFB op amp, the LT1352IS8.
I don't need the super high slew rate of the LT1352, however, and a 20V/us part will be OK.
The noise and offset parameters for the…
Part Number: TLV9352 Hi,
I am using your product "TLV9352" for the following application.
Purpose:voltage follower
Supply voltage:+12V, GND
Under the above conditions, is there a possibility of damage if the input voltage is indeterminate?
Part Number: TLV9352 Hi,
I'm simulating TLV9352 and I've found that the open-loop output impedance is significantly different than the one on the datasheet.
e.g. at 1kHz I'm seeing 800R vs 650R
Part Number: TLV9352 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2171 , , OPA171 , OPA172 Hi team,
My customer used OPA2171 and the SCH put in below Pic1. The cap C403, C203, C218, C209 have been removed in the board.
J13 interface is the "input" and U_OUT_ADC0…
What exactly is that noise fault? What are you measuring, and what are the test limits?
The new TL082 die indeed has a somewhat higher noise (similar to the TL082H). I do not know what your actual requirements are, but a lower-noise opamp like the TLV9352…
Part Number: TLV9352 Hi Expert,
Could you please let me know the test condition for Figure30?
The peak of input voltage on the waveform seems +/-17V, because 4V/div.
However, the description is VIN=+/-20V, Vs=VOUT=+/-17V.
I think, the Y-axis for input voltage…
The graphs for the old die have been removed from the datasheet because in the future, you will only get chips with the new die.
If the circuit depends on the input noise voltage, then change to an alternate device (e.g., TL082-N , TLV9352, or OPA2182…
The solution is to use an op amp that is phase reversal resistant. What's the value of VCC2 voltage?
LM358LV for 5V supply. TLV9352 for greater than 5V supply
This circuit doesn't load the input signal. If the 820 and 100 can't be increased, then choose an op amp with more output current drive. TLV9352 is an example. The output is non inverting and gain can't be less than 1 (R501 open)
Part Number: OPA4197 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OPA2197 , , TLV9352 , TLV9354 Hello
I have several Designs using OPA4197 and OPA2197.
Due to their non availability , we are are forced to use TLV9354 and TLV9352.
One question of how to select C1 m Capacitor…