Part Number: TPS53316 Hi Team
we are planning to use TPS53316 in our design . Our requirement is
ILoad min 20 mA,
ILoad typical 3.7 A
I lod Peak is 4.8 A
Output volatage is 3.7 V
As per datasgheet " VVBST and VSW to be higher than 2.4 V to ensure the…
Part Number: TPS53316 Does PGood de-assert if Enable is de-asserted?
It does not explicitly state this in the datasheet, but Figure50 (Turn off Waveform) shows that PGood follows Enable.
Am I correct in assuming that PGood de-asserts when Enable is…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53316 , TINA-TI Hi all,
I was trying to simulate the TPS53316 in Tina-TI and it turns the circuit did not work. The following pictures are the schematic and the waveform. It seems like the TPS53316 did nor operate in…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53316 I'm using the TINA simulation tool to run transient analysis for the TPS53316, which I have working. I would also like to get the total system bode plot as well, when I attempted it I received an error. How do…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53316 Hello TI,
1) The simulation result of original simulation deck downloaded from TI can be run without any problem, but I got the convergent problem if the deck is modified as the attached PSPICE file. The simulation…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53316 I’m seeing a disagreement between the datasheet and the webench output which is making me question the whole thing?
I want to use the TPS53316 for a 5V to 3.3V 4.5amp conversion. Webench is showing Vout programming…
Part Number: TPSM82822 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53316 I see the maximum output capacitance for the subject device is 47uF.
We are looking for a 3.3V -> 0.85V / 2A solution that can support ~ 1200uF of bypass capacitance required for an FPGA…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74AVCH2T45 , TPS54120 , TPS54519 , TPS2561 , TPS53316 , TPS22924C But we would like to be our product in market for the next 10 years. So EOL of each of the TI components we are using in the design is required. Attached the…
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TPS53316 , TINA-TI Hi,
I am trying to simulate the overall efficiency of TPS53316, the (Vin(t)*Iin(t))/(Vo(t)*Io(t)) is used to calculate efficiency. Since the input current and output voltage have large spikes, the efficiency…