Part Number: UCC12050 Tool/software: Hello
I'm unable to get spice model of UCC12050DVE. Can you please provide the spice model of UCC12050DVE or its equivalent one.
Part Number: UCC12050 Tool/software: Hi Team,
Our customer would like to know the maximum allowable DC working voltage of UCC12050. Please see the details of his inquiry below.
On page 6 we can see the 6.7 Safety-Related Certifications. Under UL it says…
Part Number: UCC12050 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC12051-Q1 Tool/software: Hi Team,
From looking into the Datasheet I wasn't able to find differences in UCC12050 vs UCC 12051-Q1, besides the Automotive Grade & functional Safety capability.…
Part Number: UCC12050 Tool/software: We measured there there some EMI noise at 16Mhz.
What 's the UCC12050 switching frequency?
Do you have some EMI filter suggest at this IC input and output side?
Part Number: UCC12050 Tool/software: Dear TI expert,
UCC12050 is used below to meet EN55011 Class B, but the there is big noise nearby 200M Hz
then we introudce two inductors to the input as below, the noise nearby 200M Hz is lower, but the noise nearby…
Part Number: UCC12050 Tool/software: Hello,
I have been using UCC12050DVER as a 5V isolated power supply to power 2 opto-isolators namely TLP2395. Following is the schematic diagram.
However, we have been seen production issues where this IC is found damaged…
Part Number: UCC12050 Tool/software: Hi team,
I find UCC12050 has transient isolation voltage 7071 VPK(test time 60s), I want to know if we have test continuous isolation voltage? such as test time last a certain value(>60s)?
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UCC12050 , TL431 I'm seeking a power management solution for my device. It currently utilizes a battery charger from the BQ25 series but necessitates isolation for 2MOPP >=4kV. Charging occurs via USBC 5V, and the battery…
Part Number: UCC12050 Hi,
I am Planning to Use UCC12050 to Generate Positive and Negative Output Voltage as shown below. 5VCC is Input and Would like to generate 5V0 and -5V0. Will there be any issue or will it work as expected?
Hi Ryu,
-Connecting bypass capacitors at the output side reduce the low frequency output ripple, therefore the low frequency modulation (~200KHz) amplitude changes, changing the EMI results at that frequency.
-Any EMI filter that is designed to countermeasure…