Part Number: LP-AM243 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software:
I have a question about the UNIFLASH tool.
We're using the launchpad board, and I'm using the guide
AM243x MCU+ SDK: Flashing Tools
as a template for flashing…
Found the issue: I was using the --flash-xip tag for both .appimage and .mcelf files. To flash an .mcelf configured for XIP the Uniflash tag
--flash-mcelf-xip needs to be used instead
With this, Uniflash provides a successful flash result.
Debug output…
Part Number: MSPM0C1104 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: if erase method select: Erase MAIN memory only, after progaming done. the next time using UniFlash also could connect and progam MCU.
but, if erase method select: Erase MAIN and…
I need to determine the proper procedure for preserving the voltage offset in the DCSM area after downloading firmware via Uniflash. Our product is approaching its start of production, and it is critical that this issue be resolved promptly to ensure…
Part Number: MSPM0L1305 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hi champs,
I am asking this for our customer.
The user needs to use checksum for their production line for all MSPM0 devices and MSPM0L130x is prior for now.
That is, they…
Please modify the Application image address offset to be "0x60081000" instead. As the SBL OSPI is configured to expect application image at this address by default (See sysconfig file of SBL OSPI Bootloader for these settings).
Part Number: TMS320F28035 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH Tool/software: I have a Windows 7 machine, 32 bit, where UniFlash version 4.6 is installed to program C2000 micros.
UniFlash version is 4.6 was used since this is the last version to…
Part Number: TDA4VE-Q1 Other Parts Discussed in Thread: UNIFLASH ,
Can we use the WKUP_UART for Uniflash for TDA4VE-Q1. Currently, we have only WKUP_UART. MCU_UART is always allocated to Vision SOC
Part Number: UNIFLASH Tool/software: Hi,
We are generating ECC through linker command file and as per below thread, we copied the FlashHercules.dl l in uniflash to the base CC location when we had loading problem.…