Part Number: BQ24650 Tool/software: Looking for a solution or reference design for Hybrid solar charger which can charge the battery of 100Ah/12.8V through Solar Panel of 200Wp as well as through AC-DC power supply when not using solar panel.
Hi Kerim,
yes, i also think the layout needs to improvement and that the issue most properly is due to noise pickup into CSA/CSB lines. This are very sensitive and most responsible input for the control loop. Therefore there are dedicated pins to have…
Hi Satoru,
if I got it rigth, you are sharing the same trace for SW and CSA. So all the noise due to the current in SW1 (return path for high side Buck MOSFET gate signal) is injected into the current measurement signal.
This can disturb the whole control…
Hello Anand,
Anand Nateshan said: I am not exactly sure what you mean by the logic analyser file.
A logic analyzer helps capture and display multiple logic signals from a digital system or digital circuit. Using a logic analyzer on the communication lines…
Hi Nagendra,
(In below list items which should be checked again have been marked bold) (Note: other info are left here to give an overview of what has been checked)
Quickstart Calculator:
Slope compensation capacitor is much lower then recommended
Pedro, Here are a few tips to debug this: 1. Ensure your shunt is still 68 Ohms and that there aren't any additional resistances in the input sense lines.
2. Try doing a device swap
3. Try using a different power supply
4. Try a different shunt resistance…
Please see my comments to your questions below.
1)Because the UCC28750 series has different features such as OTP (Over Temperature Protection), OVP (Over Voltage Protection), OCP (Over Current Protection), and SCP (Short Circuit Protection), we…
Hi Ning,
If I was to use the TCMT1107 for a flyback design with the UCC28705, would the ISOM8110 be an appropriate drop in replacement to the TCMT1107 to take advantage of the opto emulator capabilities. This is based on this article that we found:
Part Number: DRV8312 Tool/software: Hi, I'd like to measure the efficiency of the motor inverter however I'm having trouble finding a possible connection point to measure the input DC voltage and current. I'm using the adapter and do not have a power…
Part Number: UCC2895 Tool/software: Hello, I am currently working on designing a high-power buck converter and would like some recommendations. The specifications are as follows:
Input Voltage: 400VDC
Input Current: 4A
Output Voltage: 15VDC
Output Current…