Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DEM-BUF-SOT-1A
Dear TI experts,
I'm designing a circuit for the BUF602 based on the schematics in the DEM-BUF-SOT-1A demo fixture (https://www.ti.com/lit/ug/sbau117a/sbau117a.pdf?ts=1657731211992&ref_url=https%253A%252F%252Fwww.ti.com%252Fproduct%252FBUF602).
My question is what is the function of Cpn in DEM-BUF-SOT-1A and can it be removed from the design?
In my application, the input signal is a 10MHz half-sine wave with amplitude of 0 to 1.8V, loaded with a 300pF capacitor.
Besr regards,