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OPA552: Vout discrepancy(?) in Electrical Characteristics Table and Vout vs Iout Figure

Part Number: OPA552

From the Electrical Characteristics Table in OPA552 datasheet, it says that for Iout=200mA and Tj=25C, Vout min and max are (V-)+3 and (V+)-3 respectively. 

Electrical Characteristics Table

However, looking at Figure 8, Vout vs Iout plot, it appears that for the same conditions Iout=200mA and Tj=25C, Vout min and max are around (V-)+2 and (V+)-2 instead. Seems like there is discrepancy between the table and the figure?!

Vout vs Iout Figure

  • Hello Kyson, 

    The electrical characteristics table is showing a min and a max value that is statistically calculated with distribution of devices. Figure 8 is representative of a typical device out of a distribution. In other words the output will be 3V or closer to rail. 

    I hope this helps clarify. 

    Best Regards, 

    Chris Featherstone

  • Hey Kyson, 

    I would like to follow up and mention that the output voltage specification is in the non-linear operating region of the device. The Vout conditions in the Aol specification should be observed when operating in the linear operating region of the device. 

    Let me know if you have further questions. 

    Best Regards, 

    Chris Featherstone