Hi looking at the THS3001 datasheet it says for a gain of +2, -1 Rf = 680 Ohms so Rin=340 Ohms. When I simulate this it gives a phase margin of only 7.5 degrees and a gain margin of 1.4dB so barely stable. When I increase Rf to the recommended 1k value I get a phase margin of 24 degrees and a gain margin of around 5dB which is also marginal. On the bench I know Rf =500 Ohms and Rin=200 ohms causes instability which agrees with simulation. My question is the simulation model giving incorrect results and datasheet recommendations correct, or is the simulation model correct and the datasheet recommendations wrong ? If you have corrected versions of either please let me know ! (Used Michael's method of voltage controlled voltage source between summing node and in- to verify). I need a definitive answer because my actual circuit currently uses Rf=750 and Rin=300 which per datasheet should work fine but in simulation gives like 1degree phase margin and as we intend to build boards in quantity don't want parasitic oscillations so need the correct information. Thanks.