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VCA821: Does VCA821 has temperature curve?

Part Number: VCA821

I design VCA821 for RF gian.

But I find VCA821 with temperature sensitive in this case,do you meet kind of problem before?

For detail,we power on  the board with vca821(temperature at about 25°),after a while,  temperature at about 40° , the output  voltage  is increasing with  temperature.The two  voltage difference is about 2dB.

Waiting for your answer!

  • Hi,

    Typically we expect a maximum gain error of +/- 0.5dB for temperatures operating in that range. In order to help with troubleshooting why you are seeing such a large output voltage variation, can you provide more insight on your setup?

    It would be useful to know:

    • What Rf and Rg resistor values are you using? Also, what Vg value are you inputting?
    • What supply voltage are you using to power the device? Is that single or split supply?
    • What is the input voltage magnitude and frequency you are supplying to the device? And is that a single ended or differential signal? As well, what is the expected output voltage?
    • Can you share how you are measuring the output voltage?

    If possible, you could try testing the configuration used in the typical characteristics and check to see if you are still observing this large shift in the output voltage over temperature.

