Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DAC6578,
In continuation to the previous thread
We have shorted the DAC6578 pin 3 (AVDD) to GND to deactivate it (removing L30 didn't help - showed 2.4V from internal circuitry).
After doing so INA237 at address 047 is operating OK (as expected) - device ID returns 0x5449 and temperature is "normal" 23.5C.
Below is the DAC6578 circuit.
From the datasheet the only possible addresses for the DAC6578 (TSSOP version) are 0x48, 0x4A, 0x4C (not 0x47).
In addition just for testing purposes we did a read from the DAC from internal register address 0x3E (which does not exist) and we get back 0x0000 which is also what we get when reading the INA237 0x47 register 0x3E.
So maybe the DAC is also answering to the same address as the INA237 and overwriting the INA237 answer.
So what could be the problem?