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OPA2333: the output saturated level is far from rail-to-rail expectation

Part Number: OPA2333


Dear team,

When we doing the experiment with the circuitry in below:

the non-inverted amplifier is powered with the positive supply 3.3V and negative supply to ground.

no load testing, so we expect less swing from power rail caused by I_load.

the input V+ = 2V DC voltage, R307 = R309 = 1kOhm.

The output voltage is expected to be close to 3.3V, with few tens mV swing, however the output swing is larger then the expectation.

May I know without the load, what is the normal range of the output voltage swing, which is not noted in datasheet?

Best regards,

Hank Lin

  • Hank,

    The linear output range of OPA2333 is specified in the conditions of AOL to be 100mV from either rail - see below.

    However, your circuit is configured in gain of 2 and for this reason for Vin=2V, Vo cannot get to 4V on 3.3V single supply - see below.

  • Dear Marek,

    thanks for your support.

    the purpose of tuning the gain to let the output saturated is to shows the output swing from rail voltage.

    Best regards,

    Hank Lin

  • If you look at OPA2333 output fully saturated (non-linear) condition, then with 10k load it should get within 50mV - see below.

    You may simulate the datasheet condition on the left below with 10k load (Iload=247uA) confirming 50mV output swing to positive rail while for 1k+1k load (Iload=1.56mA) on 3.3V supply the output gets within 165mV below positive rail - see below.