Hi Team,
Description: I am using the LM293 comparator as part of a two-stage digital input circuit. Each input stage consists of a separate comparator and is intended to function independently. The outputs of the comparators are connected to a GPIO pin of a microcontroller.
I have the following issue: When I apply a 5V input signal to Channel 1, I observe a capacitive voltage spike at Channel 2 (positive input of the comparator), even though Channel 2 is not connected. What is the source of this coupling? Is internal coupling of the positive inputs possible?
- IN_CH1: 5V
- IN_Ch2: NC
- VCC: 12V
- Vref: ca. 2V
The oscilloscope picture shows the behaviour.
- IN_CH1: 5V, IN_CH2: NC
- RED (positiv input comparator 1)
- BLUE (positiv input comparator 2)
In my expectation, there should be no coupling between the positive inputs.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you, best regards,