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OPA627: Offset trim

Part Number: OPA627


In one design we have replaced the THT version of the OPA627 with the SMD version. Although the datasheet states that it no longer has offset trim connections, it seems that this function still works.
Is this an error in the datasheet?


  • Enrique,

    I cannot find the reference in the data sheet that indicates that the offset-trim pins were disconnected.  Are you looking at OPA627 data sheet ?  What page / paragraph.  It is possible that this feature was discontinued but I don't see that reference in the data sheet.  In general the external pins used for offset-trim are not included in modern amplifiers because the offset is internally trimmed to very low values.  Out of curiosity, how do you use that feature?

    Once you point out the specific comment, we can investigate further.

    Best regards, Art 

  • Thanks for your answer, Art.

    On page 3, table 4-1, it says that pins 1 and 5, which corresponded to the offset trim, are not connected.
    This is not really a very important issue. This is a fairly old design that, because it works and there is never time to update it, is passed from one version of the circuit to another. This might be a good time to update it. Wink

    Again, thanks.

  • Hi Enrique,

    The OPA627 has recently gone through a factory change, and the latest version of devices in production do not offer the offset trim function. However, the previous revision devices in the field on SOIC package offered this function.  The LMC package devices still offer the offset trim function.

    The data sheet was updated recently on April 2024 (SBOS165B), where the pin description and pin configuration options has been changed. The data sheet Revision History on section 9, shows that the pin definition was changed from Revision A (April 2015) to Revision B (April 2024):

    Let us know if you have questions,

    Thank you and Best Regards,
