I'm trying to develop a QCM (quartz crystal microbalance) measurement system to drive a special 5MHz quartz crystal on it's overtones to track it's resonance frequencies. I'm using a DDS signal generator by AD9851 which has an output signal gain 1Vpp at 5MHz to 0.5Vpp at 45MHz. I've succeeded to design a circuit to drive that crystal on 1st (5MHz), 2nd (15MHz), 3rd (25MHz) at around 14Vpp. I'm using OPA847 (Vs:+-5V) and THS3061 (Vs:+-12V). But I couln't amplify the 35 and 45 MHz signals to achieve those levels of gain. It seems on the datasheets of these op-amps that it's possible to get that gain level. But,... What can I do to amplify my 35 and 45 MHz signal to achieve 20Vpp voltage gain? Any idea?
Dr. Selim Kara