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TLV2171 two output channel

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TLV2171, TLV171


       I am looking for a amplifier that can generated two different output voltages.  and I see the TLV2171 have two output channel, however there is only power supply. So does that mean that the output voltages are same? Because I want to generate one of voltage is from 0 to 15V and other one is from 0V to 30 V. is that possible?

       Thanks, best regards 


  • Hi Yue,

    The applied power supply voltages V+/V- are shared by the two amplifier sections internal to the TLV2171. That is not issue because each amplifier can be set up for an individual gain resulting in one output having an approximate 0 to +15 V output range, and the other having an approximate 0 to +30 V output range. The point to observe is that the common supply voltage must be greater than than the maximum output voltage required. So for the maximum +30 V output, V+ should be set to something on the order of +32 V, and V- would be connected to ground (0 V).  Below, I show an example of two TLV171 op amps configured with a 0 to +5 V input, and providing 0 to +15 V and 0 to +30 V outputs. The gains can be changed to work with your input voltage range.

    How close the TLV2171 output will pull to ground (0 V) will depend on how much current you demand from the outputs when they are sourcing current. The TLV2171 datasheet indicates that they will swing within a couple of hundred millivolts with a 10 k load. If the output must go to 0 V, then a small negative voltage would have to be applied to the V- pin. The total V+ to V- voltage cannot exceed 36 V.

    Regards, Thomas

    PA - Linear Applications Engineering

  • I gotcha, Thank you so much