I've got a weird output when feeding an oscillating signal into the OPA-356, hoped somebody could clear it up for me.
Please see the schematic attached to this post.
I've got a 1KHz signal (Vmin = -0.31V, Vmax = 4.08V). I'm using a voltage divider to lower the altitude of the signal (to Vmin = -0.20V, Vmax = 2.43V), and then I'm feeding this signal into the op amp, OPA-356. I've set the gain to 1.22 (using 2.2k and 10k resistors), so theoretically the output should be between about 0V and about 3V. However, I'm getting the oscillations between 0V and 7V. I attached the oscilloscope readings to the post.
Can somebody please explain me why this is happening? I assume that the problem is with the fact that I'm feeding an oscillating signal into the op amp, cause the op amp is amplifying straight 0V or 2.4V signals perfectly. The purpose of all this is to get the output between about 0 and 3V. How can achieve that? And what am I doing wrong?
Many thanks in advance.