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TLE2144: Current draw

Part Number: TLE2144

Does the TLE2144 (Quad Op-Amp) pull less current when one or more channels are unused? If so by how much?

  • Hi PinkCrapeMyrtle ,

    Each op amp section of the TLE2144 draws nearly identical current as another in the resting, or quiescent state. For example, if the TLE2144 +/-15 V supply current is the typical 13.8 mA, then each of the 4 op amp section would draw about 13.8/4 mA, or 3.35 mA. Should any those op amp sections be called upon to drive load current, then their indivdual operating currents increase beyond the quescent level to that required to supply their load current.

    Regards, Thomas
    Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering