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CLC300A: Recommended Replacement

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LM7171, THS6212, LM6171, OPA695, THS3061, THS3001, LMH6702, THS3091, OPA694

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could recommend a replacement device for the Comlinear CLC300A. Thank you for any help. Regards, Joe

  • Hi Joe,

    the LM6171, LM7171 and the THS6212 come into my mind.

    Can you show us a schematic?

  • Hello Kai,

    Thanks for the reply. I have attached a schematic that I hope will help. I figured I would have to stick with a CFA, and have tried a couple, but I don't get enough gain. Well, interestingly enough, I can't keep enough bandwidth. This CLC300A appears to give me a gain of 26, or so, and still maintains a bandwidth of better than 100MHz, I think.




  • Hello Joe,

    There is no direct replacement. These were (expensive) hybrids. They were gee-whiz for their time, but have been superseded by modern monolithic devices.

    Yes, you should use a current feedback device. Otherwise you may need to use a much higher BW voltage feedback that may be a bit unstable.

    The basic specs of the CLC300 were -3dB BW of 105MHz at Av=+4, and 85MHz at a gain of +20, 3000V/us slew rate and 2.9nV/Hz noise. Feedback resistor value should be in the 500-1k ohm range. The feedback resistor value sets the BW on current feedback amps.

    There are several devices that can match this now. The LMH6702 was originally suggested as the "replacement" device, but the supply voltage is 12V max. The CLC300 was 30V (10V min). Also available is the OPA695, THS3001, THS3061 and THS3091 (the THS's are 30V).

    Since you are using it with a loop antenna, I assume you are not dealing with large output signal swings, and that noise is the dominant requirement.

    What frequency range is the loop? This may influence which device is selected based on noise due to the 1/F corner (noise is much higher at the lower frequencies with high speed devices and the low "flatband" noise number may be at 1MHz ).

  • Hi Paul,

    The frequency range I'm interested in is 9kHz-30MHz. We are running this device with a +6V/-6V battery pack. I was thinking of adding a voltage regulator to run it at +5V/-5V since the output is just 4Vpp. I was thinking of trying the OPA695, but haven't gotten one yet. We are using the OPA694 in another product and I have been trying that. I can get the gain high enough to get 1Vpp and still maintain the bandwidth, so I've been trying to add another amplifier to get to 4Vpp, but haven't found the right mix yet.
