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PGA308: Input mux configuration in PGA308EVM software calibration

Genius 16805 points
Part Number: PGA308


I have a question for PGA308EVM software.
When calibrating PGA308 with this software, is mux_sign of input mux always positive?
Is it possible to set it to negative? How can it be controlled in the calibration?



  • Hi Oba,

    On the Multi-Cal demonstration kit software, the mux sign is corrected automatically on the calibration routine after the minimum and maximum pressure has been applied.

    On the PGA308EVM, the Mux settings are available on the 'Block Diagram' as well as in the 'Registers in RAM' tab of the GUI. 

    Bit D12 (GI4) of CFG0  (Register Value x02h) register selects the polarity of the mux.  By default this register is '0' with Vin1= VINN and Vin2 = VINP.

    You can 'Write to RAM' to set bit ZD12 to '1' on register 02 in the "Registers in RAM" Section.

    Thank you and Regards,


  • Hello Luis,

    Thanks, I'll try it.
