Other Parts Discussed in Thread: THS4131, AMC1300
Dear sir,
We are using AMC1300 for isolated voltage measurement and its output is connected to THS4131 amplifier.
THS4131 having +/-12V power supply.
+12V : Vcc+ of THS4131
0V : Vocm of THS4131
-12V : Vcc- of THS4131.
The THS4131 amplifier output is given to NI 9220 analog input module. When we connect the THS4131 output to NI 9220 analog input module, the measurement are floating.
We need to connect the 1MOhm resistor between analog input negative terminal and common terminal.
When we connect the 1MOhm resistor, we can able to measure it normally.
Cloud you please suggest the procedure to get the fully differential output from THS4131 amplifier.
Thanking you.
Thanks & Regards,