Hello! I am planning on using the TLV8802 in a 2-stage amplification circuit, very much like the circuit in the picture below,
I am not very knowledgeable of OP amps. The Unity Gain Bandwidth is 6kHz. Both filter stages (Stage 1 and Stage 2 above) have lower and upper limits at approximately 0.8Hz and 1.2Hz (so, not exactly like the picture above). Does that mean that I should divide 6kHz by the gains I have in my bandpass interval (around 1Hz) to get the bandwidth? Or should I divide 6kHz by the DC gains? I.e ignoring the capacitances in the gain circuits and just using the resistors.
Since I have bandpass filters from 0.8Hz to 1.2Hz, how close to to 1.2Hz can I reasonably go? How much margin is generally recommended in the bandwitdh? 10Hz? 30Hz? 100Hz?