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I got my TAS5733L eval kit in the mail a couple days ago and I’m working on figuring out how this works. I’ve run into a couple problems that I’ve posted about on the TI E2E forum, but I wanted to reach out to you because I think you’ll be more helpful!
So my first one is pretty simple. I cannot switch from the USB audio source to line in audio. The purepath SW has an Audio I/O page where you can select the input source. When I select Line in it says, “Line in successfully changed” and then audio continues to play over USB. I can’t get Coax audio to work either.
The next one is a little more complicated. I cannot get 8W out of this amplifier.
My set up for this is a 2x8W system using 6ohm drivers. I have two 6ohm dummy loads hooked up to the amplifier and my voltage rail is set at 10V. The power supply can supply up to 4A, so I don’t think that Is the limiting factor. I do not have the limiters enabled, so I don’t think it’s that either. When I have the amplifier volume set to 0dB, I’m getting about 8W per channel. If I increase the master volume to +1.5dB then the amplifier starts to intermittently output 8W and .01W. It cycles between these outputs about 5times per second. From the data sheet, at 10V 6ohms, I should be getting 8W output at about 10% THD. When I get a reading at 8W, the THD is 2%, which is much lower than what the datasheet says. This leads me to believe that the problem lies somewhere in my initialization of the board, not in the power limitations of the amplifier.
Hello, thanks for asking question in E2E.
For line-in audio input mode, please switch to 'Line in' mode in 'Audio I/O' configuration. And apply the analog signal on the AIN1 connector on the mother board. This feature should be working well.
WIth 0dBFS digital input and 2.4dB gain setting in master volume, the output can reach 2*8.5W @ THD+N=10% on the TAS5733L EVM (PVDD=10V, load=6Ohm). Please make sure the AGL is disabled. And try to use 1kHz sinewave as the test input source. Is there any reworking on the board? Did you read the Error Status Register(0x02)? Is there any Fault in it? Basically ther shouldn't any problem in this case.
Best regards,
Shawn Zheng
TAS5733LIssue.zipHi Shawn,
Thanks for looking into this for me.
Attached is a video of the issue that I'm seeing and my project file.
As before, I tried switching to aux in audio and PurePath tells me that the input was switched successfully, but I'm not getting any audio from the line in source. I was connected to AIN1 and I tried AIN2 as well. Neither worked.
In the video, the first stepped sweep I did was with the purepath master volume set to 0dB. The second stepped sweep I did was with master volume set to +2dB. I see this issue whenever I increase the gain above +0.375dB. I know the RMS level graph is not outputting any data in the video of the second sweep, but hopefully you can see the scope in the bottom left hand corner is switching between high output and low output. I checked the error register and it says 0X00, which I took to mean as no error. I know you asked for a 1kHz input signal instead of a frequency sweep, but the test signal I'm using has 2s of a 1kHz test signal as the first signal out of the file. This signal as well is not outputting 8W.
There was no rework done on either board. I have the purepath motherboard and the TAS5733LEVM board. Both boards are new. I've only used them 2 times.
I hope this helps you understand what is going on! I'm happy to answer any other questions you have.
Hi Shawn,
My TAS5733LEVM looks like it's AAP066A-001. I couldn't find a distinct revision number on the PCB anywhere. On the bottom it says E225430 KB-04, but again, I don't know if that is the revision number either.
My Purepath board looks like it's AIP006G. That board looks like it's higher than a 'D' revision.
I looked at the power supply while the issue was happening and I did not see any power supply issues. I hooked the power supply up to an Oscope and measured the output while it transitioned from idle mode to 6.5W output. On that transition, I only saw a 4mV dip for 50us before the power supply recovered. This seems acceptable to me. Is that okay with you?
Hi Shawn,
I'm using PurePath v3.1.1 Platform build 247. The revision for the EVM app is: TAS5751M/33L v3.0.2
I've attached a picture of my setup. The power supply is off screen, but I've already made sure it can provide the 8W of power with no drops in voltage levels. The Aux in source I'm using is my APx525 analyzer. I have verified the output of the analyzer is as expected (800mVrms).
I do not have another eval board I can use. Can you get me in contact with a local TI FAE that can help me with this? I'm located in Utah.
Hi Marshall,
Thank you for the info. Looks like there is no problem in your setup. Please note that the analog input connector includes R/L channel. Does your AP support R/L channel in one cable? One simple way is that you could connect the notebook/cellphone headphone output to the PPCMB input(AIN1) by a cable(shown in the below picture). Let me know if it works. I will call you if it still doesn't work.
Best regards,
Shawn Zheng
Hi Shawn,
Sorry it took me a while to get this info, but I probed the input to the ADC on R229, R231 and saw the sine wave I was inputting to AIN1. The connector and input signal are working as expected and this includes L/R channels. I then probed R279 as the output of the ADC and did not see any digital data out. There was no data out of the ADC, so I believe that the board is not working as expected.
Let me know your thoughts. Thanks,