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LMV358: lmv358 100 times gain module

Part Number: LMV358

Hello sir, i have LMV358 Breakout board( Red MOdule - 100 times gain). I used it to amplify my input signal 100 mv square wave. but my output generated by LMV358 is like attached file. i did not get an actual square wave as an output why? suggest me 

  • Part Number: LMV358

    hello sir,  can i use  LMV358 red module for 10 HZ frequency?? 

     how much input i can give to the module in terms of mili volt?

    if my input is 100 mv then how much output generated?

  • Mehul,

    Let's see 100mV * 100 = 10V; you have a 5V supply so 10V is not possible.

    Is input always a square wave? Is desired output always 0V to 5V square wave?

  • yes my input is always square wave. one more thing sir when i set high frequency then it's good output.  

    can this module use for low frequency like 10 HZ? I want to amplify 10 mv square wave

  • Mehul,

    I believe you have a bad connection in your circuit. LMV358 does work well at 10 Hz.

    Here are two different ways to get a full scale output.

    The top amp has a gain of 100. However, the VIO error of the device (up to +/-7mV) also get 100 Gain. So VF1 = (VIN + VIO) * 100

    The bottom amp is an inverting comparator with one input at 50mV. So VF2 = 0V if VIN >50mV or 5V if VIN <50mV. The output can be noninverting if the input pins are swapped.

  • it has only 4 connections.

    vcc =5v applied from arduino uno 5v pin
    gnd = all ground common
    vin = from oscilloscope bnc to jumper wire( Function gnerator )
    vout = channel 1 on oscilloscope
    how much input i set for perfect output?
    i connect all with jumper wires
  • Methul,

    OK, I see the four connections. LMV358 has 3 pins per amplifier and a shared power and ground.
    The connection list shows only 1 input; op amps have 2 inputs.
  • hello sir ,
    what is the meaning of bandwidht is set to 15.9 khz ? lmv358 generate perfect square wave over 500 hz to 1 Khz frequency. it does not generate actual square wave at 10 hz. i have all secure connections. i have used below amplifier .please check the link below.
  • Mehul,

    The problem is the High Pass Filter capacitors marked with green rectangles. The cap plus the 103 (10k) resistor limits the lower useable frequency.

    For 10 Hz signal set cap for 1Hz minimum that is 1/(2pi*1Hz*10000 ohms) = 16uF, 10uF would be close enough.

    I recommend changing both caps.

  • Thanks for your reply sir,

     but please provide full rating of 16 micro Faraday capacitor? how much volt capacitor i need to buy? 

    in my module value of t these high pass capacitors are?  do i need any precautions before removing these capacitors with solder iron?

  • Mehul,

    The capacitors should be rated for at least 5V. The package size can be measured from the board.