I have an overvoltage protection (OVP) in a 380V power supply. Overvoltage protection is at 420V. This power supply does not have a 380V discharge circuit so the output still discharges slowly when the output is turned off.
I am using a LM339 comparator to compare a 2.5V reference with a the voltage divided 380V output.
We are doing repeated turn on/off of the power supply quickly using the mains AC switch. The circuit is shown below.
When the AC is turned ON quickly after turning off the spike of 2.5V is coming at the comparator output. Is there a way to slow down or delay the compactor output? the spike lasts for about 500uS. The comparator is actually starting up due to 15V at the instant the AC power is turned on. Can it falsely produce output if it is starting up and the output is pulled-up to 15V?
Because I also saw scope wave forms where the OVP is below 2.5V reference and the comparator output goes up to 2.5V and the comparator quickly pulled it low.
Is it possible to null the comparator for the first 500uS and allow it to operate after that?
Maybe the comparator is working correctly then can I know how to remove this spike in the beginning?