I use the OPA548 for lipo battery simulator in one test equipment that i designing but i have problem to drain more then 1A on the output. My schematics is as in the reference design where i use the potenciometar to set the output voltage and curent limitation. Output voltage should be from 3V to 4,2V and current to 3A. Every time when i put load(resistor 2,7Ohm) on the output, the output voltage drop from 4.2V to 3.12V and the current is 1,4A. This lead to reboot my controler that is target since detect lower battery.
The input voltagfe level that is power the OPA548 is 10V. The gain is 10 (9K and 1K in the loop). The E/S pin it is floating.
According the specification i should be able to drain 3A constantly and 5A in peak, but i can't get to work in my case. It will be goot if i can manage to get 2A constantly in my case. I use the heat sink on the OPA548 so i do not get the termal shutdown.
The final design should be to replacve the potencimetar for output voltage set with pwm and NF filter to get analog voltage and resistors for the current limit.
What could be the reason for this instability on the output voltage and limitation of the current?
Once more to mention that i use the reference design for single power supply from the TI document for OPA548 (SBOS070C –OCTOBER 1997–REVISED JUNE 2015, page 19)
Best Regards,