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Regarding to TLE2022A-Q1, we want to make sure it if KSVR around 30KHz is characterized over 35 dB.
(KSVR at 30KHz (min) = 35dB)
Could you please tell me your view?
Hi na na78,
Its is unfortunate that information wasn't included in the TLE2022A-Q1 datasheet. I do believe it will have at least 35 dB of PSRR (KSVR) at 30 kHz, but to be sure it is best to measure it. I am ordering some devices and will have our characterization team run some PSRR vs. frequency curves on them. I expect it will take a couple of days to get the devices from our distributor and a few more days to run them through the test. I estimate we'll have the information in about a week.
Regards, Thomas
Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering
Hello na na78,
We measured the PSRR vs frequency using the TLE2021, the single version of the TLE2022 because that is what the test setup is configured for. The results should be quite similar for the two versions; the TLE2022 is layout flip of the TLE201. The Electrical characteristics tables for the two versions indicate that the TLE2022 has about 5 dB lower dc PSRR than the TLE2021. That should hold across frequency.
Below the measured PSRR vs frequency plots are shown for the +/-5 V and +/-15 V supplies, and for both the Vcc and Vee. pins The Vcc PSRR at 30 kHz is in the range of 70 dB for the TLE2021, which even if 65 dB for the TLE2022, is well below the 35 dB number you cited. However, the Vee PSRR at 30 kHz is in the range of 35 to 40 dB for the TLE2021 and maybe a little lower for the TLE2022. You would need to determine if that is acceptable for your application.
Regards, Thomas
Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering
Hi Thomas
Thank you for your reply.
It's very helpful!
Could you please check if my understanding followed is correct?
My customer is using TLE2022A-Q1.
According to the datasheet, TLE2022A-Q1and TLE2021 have following spec.
The gap between them seems to be 2dB.
So, can we assume the Vcc PSRR at 30 kHz is in the range of 68dB for TLW2022A-Q1 across frequency?
Helo na na78,
Okay, I do see the small PSRR differences bewteen the TLE2022A-Q1 and the others. All of the grades use the same starting die and then receive additonal processing, or test screening for a higher minimum PSRR that depends upon grade. I believe that the -Q1 grades were introduced after the standard commercial grades and they would have required a separate electrical characterization for -Q1 qualification. That may be why the -Q1 PSRR typical came out a little different than the others. The specifications would depend on the statistics received from the lots used for the particular qualification.
In reality, the differences in PSRR between the grades isn't significant. More important to the customer application is that the PSRR is something between 60 and 70 dB at 30 kHz, which is well above the 35 dB they need.
Regards, Thomas
Precision Amplifiers Applications Engineering