Hey guys,
we have designed a step motor controller based on the TI DRV8711 and are testing our prototypes.
The last two days we are trying to tune the control parameters per SPI and we have more than three damaged DRV8711s.
More than three means: At least three died without any physical sign (when setting the enable pin or while running),
and one has literally blown up while running.
I want to add that we're tuning the DRV8711s parameters, and tried extreme values to examine their impact, yet I would not
expect any MOSFET driver to die because of that?
(Still it seems, since we're driving the mosfets with less current: 200/150mA instead of 400/200 mA, the DRV8711 is less likely to die)
We supply the DRV8711 with 48V, you can find the schematic and datasheets for MOSFETS and motor attached.
Here is our most recent configuration of the DRV8711:
CTRL REGISTER: 0x0EA1 (1/32 Microstepping, Externall stall detect, Gain of 20, 850ns Dead Time
TORQUE REGISTER : 0x0050 (SMPLTH 50us, Torque 96)
OFF REGISTER: 0x0020 (use internal indexer, TOFF 32 x 500ns)
BLANK REGISTER: 0x0020 (disable adaptive blanking time, TBLANK 32 x 20ns)
DECAY REGISTER: 0x0032 (Tdecay 50 x 500ns, DECMOD: 000 in standstill and 100 when rotating)
STALL REGISTER:0x0C00 (we use external stall detection)
Best regards from AUSTRIA,
Ioannis & Florian
> "MLeist" == GND_power
> attached datasheet of smd emi-suppression ferrit "WE-SUKW-7427512" of LCR filter
> attached layout of top layer