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I would like to ask some questions regarding trigger operation. DRV2700EVM-HV500 can be used in trigger mode. What kind of signal is needed as a trigger? I plan to use LDC2114EVM and LDCTOUCHCOMCOILEVM to trigger DRV2700EVM-HV500. Can LDC2114EVM output the signal needed to trigger DRV2700? On not trigger mode, the waveform output by DRV2700EVM-HV500 is controlled by using Piezo Control Console. How can I control the waveform on trigger mode? Piezo Control Console can be used on trigger mode too?
Best Regards,
Hi Sir,
The DRV2700EVM-HV500 is controlled through USB by communicating with the on board MSP430.
The two signals that the MSP uses to control the piezo driver are an enable signal to power on the DRV2700 boost and a PWM signal that modulates the amplitude of the boost voltage.
You can connect the EVM to Piezo control console and configure it with the desired PWM output from the MSP430, and then use a GPIO output from the other EVMs to drive the EN signal to the DRV (middle pin on the 3 pin header jp3)
I hope this helps.
Thank you four reply. I understand that the waveform can be changed by using Piezo Control Console. When I use a GPIO output from the other EVMs to drive EN signal, do I have to connect it to middle pin on the 3 pin header jp3? I heard from the forum below that I have to connect it between TRIG and C20.
Best Regards,
let me clarify. the MSP430 delivers two signals to the DRV. an enable signal to power on the boost, and a PWM signal to modulate the boost.
My method -> use Piezo control to configure the PWM signal as desired, and have it constantly outputting this PWM. then from the other EVM you control the Enable signal (middle pin on jp3 header). which will control when the piezo is driven.
from my bench measurements the trig pin on the default MSP430 firmware will enable the boost.
for example
1 falling edge on TRIG -> boost is enabled at DC -> piezo contracts
2nd falling edge on TRIG -> boost is disabled
If you wanted to use the TRIG pin to do something other that enable/disable the boost this would require updated firmware (C code) running on the MSP430. This can be done. the firmware is available on the EVM product page, I cannot however help make the necessary changes to this code.
Thank you for your reply. I understand well how DRV2700 works. However, this system does not seem to meet my requirement because I am making a trackpad demo. I want the waveform to be output when a sensor is pressed and released for each. The waveform I want to be output is just one length. In order to make this happen, is just updating the firmware on your product page enough? Or do I have to update and modify it by myself?
Best Regards,
I do not mean to talk down to you by explaining the function of the EVM.
Yes, You will need to evaluate the EVM yourself, and then modify the the firmware as necessary for your application.