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Hi, I used PCM1609A in our Prototyp. But it doesn´t communicate with MCU.
MDO Pin is always in "1" (MCU has Pull-UP)
I tried 16b SPI Communication and also owns protocol exactly as is described in datasheet.
Is there any Application Notes exactly for PCM1609? How is the best connection with MCU?
Thanx for Answer. Radim.
Which device specifically are you communicating with, and which port are you using? For interfacing an SPI port on an MSP430 to an I2S port for example, an app note is attached in this post.
Hello Patrick,
I used MCU - STM32F100 of ST.
ML - PA4
MC - PA5
The MCU doesn´t want to communicate with PCM1609. PA4 - PA7 is a SPI Port. I tried to communicate via SPI but I also tried to write his own protocol, exactly as the PCM1609 datasheet.
Do you have any Idea?
With Regards, Radim.