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TLV320AIC3104EVM-K: Connecting Mic Bias to AVDD_ADC and Multiple Audio Outputs

Part Number: TLV320AIC3104EVM-K

I have the 3104EVM-K and am using the EVM GUI.

I would like to know if it is possible to map one audio input to both L/R High power outputs and L/R Digital outputs.

The goal is have sidetone audio piped back to the user's headphones and that same output able to be recorded simultaneously.

I have gotten both DOUT and HPOUT outputs functioning separately with the GUI but cannot get them to work together.

I am also trying to set the Mic Bias power supply to AVDD_ADC, have added "w 30 19 C0" to my command buffer and ensured my JMP10 is in position 1/2.

What else is required to have the board use Mic Bias in this setting?

  • Hi,

    You can try mixing them as shown in the diagram below. The diagram has the respective registers as well for easy referencing.

    There's no AVDD_ADC, but you can use +3.3VA in JMP10 and set register "w 30 19 C0".


  • Hi,

    How do I map the audio to digital output with the DAC's powered up?

    This is the commands I am running on the EVM GUI based on the diagram above:

    w 30 01 80
    w 30 07 80
    #Right AGC settings
    w 30 1F F8
    #Left Line1 to LADC reg 19
    w 30 13 04
    #Right Line1 to RADC reg 22
    w 30 16 04
    #Left ADC PGA Gain control reg 16
    w 30 0F 00
    #Right ADC PGA Gain control reg 15
    w 30 10 00
    #DOUT and bypass settings
    w 30 08 20
    #Left DAC digital volume control
    w 30 2B 00
    #DAC output switching control reg 41, left dac volume follows right dac
    w 30 29 01
    #DACL1 to HPLOUT reg 47
    w 30 2F 80
    #PGA_L to HPLOUT reg 46

  • Are you not recording the signal shown in the yellow path? You can enable both the record and playback shown in the diagram above.

    Check each path separately before enabling all together. The registers are shown in the diagram.

    If you are using the EVM with the GUI, there are preset configurations that you can use there as well.

    w 30 01 80
    // Left and right DAC path are muted/off
    w 30 07 80
    #Right AGC settings
    w 30 1F F8
    #Left Line1 to LADC reg 19
    w 30 13 04
    #Right Line1 to RADC reg 22
    w 30 16 04
    #Left ADC PGA Gain control reg 16 not muted with 0dB
    w 30 0F 00
    #Right ADC PGA Gain control reg 15 not muted with 0dB
    w 30 10 00
    #DOUT and bypass settings. What's this comment? In page 0 register 8 this sets mode to target/slave mode
    w 30 08 20
    #Left DAC digital volume control reg 43, not muted with 0dB
    w 30 2B 00
    #DAC output switching control reg 41, left dac volume follows right dac with DAC_L1 and DAC_R1 path
    w 30 29 01
    #DACL1 to HPLOUT reg 47
    w 30 2F 80
    #PGA_L to HPLOUT reg 46
    w 30 2E 80

    #Right DAC digital control reg 44, not muted with 0d
    w 30 2C 00
    #DACR1 to HPROUT
    w 30 40 80
    w 30 3F 80