TAS5441-Q1: TAS5441QPWPRQ1

Part Number: TAS5441-Q1



The audio amplifier Part No : TAS5441QPWPRQ1 selected in our design to drive the external speaker of 4 OHM, 10Watt.

The device is operating at 15V DC (PVDD) to drive the external speaker.

Does this chip will support to drive the external speaker (passive) of 4 OHM, 10Watt?. If supports what is power dissipation across the chip to check the rise in temperature?




  • Hi Gopala,

    In your system will you drive the 4 ohm speaker with a continuous 10W signal?  This is unusual and typically the audio is very dynamic in nature.  One needs to know or assume an average output power to determine the power dissipation.  One can determine the power dissipation from Figure 3, Efficiency graph.  

    Gregg Scott