Hi Team,
My customer give me the below circuit and would like to get the transient waveform and frequency response. I tried to use TINA to build the model. Can you help check it and modify if there is something wrong?
8030.OPA167x differential 02042025_1.TSC
In addition, how can I get the separate waveform for every in and out?
Hi Roy,
I'd be happy to help. To start, could you provide some additional information about the circuit, such as the intended gain, cutoff frequency, and maximum amplitude of EXT_FR/EXT_FL? With the design goals I can verify that the circuit is working as you expect.
So far:
8030.OPA167x differential 02042025_new.TSC
Best Regards,
Alex Curtis
Hi Alex,
Thank you. The file that you provided is what we expected. But may you help convert to AC analysis file? We want to check gain/phase for the circuit.
Hi Roy,
To run the AC analysis, there can only be one input voltage source, so I connected EXT_FR to both the left and right inputs. Below is the resulting closed loop response of the circuit (AUX_R and AUX_L).
8030.OPA167x differential AC.TSC
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Alex Curtis
Hi Alex,
I would like to use below circuit to do the AC analysis and get cut off frequency = 100kHz. May you help modify for us?
8030.OPA167x differential AC (1) (1).TSC
Hi Roy,
I can help modify this new circuit, but I would like more information on the other performance requirements of the filter, such as the passband gain and lower cutoff frequency. Currently the passband gain is -19.77dB (0.1 V/V) and the lower cutoff frequency is around 0.694 Hz. I want to clarify these requirements especially since this circuit has different component values than the one I sent previously, and the left channel was removed.
Best Regards,
Alex Curtis
Hi Alex,
If customer would like to have +/-8V sine wave as Vin. Vout is 2.8V with +/-1V amplitude. May you help redesign the RC value for us?
We would like to have low pass filter with cut off frequency = 100kHz.
Hi Roy,
I modified the component values in the circuit you sent so that the cutoff frequency is 100kHz, then I adjusted the gain and common mode voltage so the output is +/-1V with a 2.8V offset.
Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to modify.
Best Regards,
Alex Curtis
Hi Alex,
Customer has new requirement.
Vin is 0V +/- 8V.
Vout is 4V +/-1.4V
Cut off frequency is 100k.
I tried to design the circuit in TINA. Please help advise if you have proper design parameters.
Hi Roy,
I modified the circuit for the new requirements. Please let me know what you think of the new response.
Best Regards,
Alex Curtis