TAS5711: Is MCLK config mandatory for playback to work?

Part Number: TAS5711



We're trying to use TAS5711 with a platform over MI2S interface. We've being able to supply LRCLK, SCLK & SDIN to the TAS5711 chip but we do not have audio playback working.

The data sheet says: "The clock section uses MCLK or the internal oscillator clock (when MCLK is unstable, out of range, or absent) to produce the internal clock (DCLK) running at 512 time the PWM switching frequency." So, my question is: Is MCLK mandatory for audio playback to work?

Now, as per this thread: https://e2e.ti.com/support/audio-group/audio/f/audio-forum/591485/tas5711-mclk, shorting the SCLK with the MCLK should provide the necessary clock to both the pins. But even doing this is not making the playback to work. Is this a correct way to provide MCLK if its mandatory? Though we're looking for software configuration too.

Please let me know. Thanks.

- Shubhro

  • Hi Shubhro,

    Yes, tying SCLK and MCLK together would be the best way of providing MCLK if the source does not provide a MCLK. Can you see if a fault is being reported by the device?

