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PCM1863 with 27MHz clock PLL divider settings?

Expert 1935 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: PCM1863


I clock the PCM1863 on the SCKI pin with 27.000MHz

Using the formula from chapter 8.13.5 I calculate my PLL settings:

PLLCKIN is 27MHZ (video clock)

PLLCK selected to be 98.304MHz


values calculated:

P=2, R=1, K=7.2818
K splits up in J and D: J=7 D=2818

On page 34 it says "6.667MHz = PLLCLK _IN / P = 20MHz", which probably means "6.667MHz < PLLCLK _IN / P < 20MHz", so at 27MHz P must be at least 2, so I selected P=2.

Page 35 mentions 'N' but that information does not help much. I guess N=2048 in the examples is just the dividers in I2C regs 0x25, 0x26, 0x27 which are 8*4*64

Writing registers on page 0:

0x0 0x0 (select page 0)

0x20 0x5E (set clock src to scki, disable auto clk detect, PLL clock as source for modules)

0x25 0x7 (PLL SCK Clock Divider value 1:8)

0x26 0x3 (Ratio of Master clock (SCK) to Bit Clock (BCK) 1:4)

0x27 0x3F (SCK to LRCK ratio in master mode 1:64)

0x28 0x1 (enable PLL)

0x29 0x1 (P=2)

0x2a 0x0 (R=1)

0x2b 0x7 (J=7)

0x2c 0xfc (D LSB)

0x2d 0x0a (D MSB)

(I assume the documentation is wrong and the limit for 2c is 0xffff, not 9999?)

With those settings and a SCKI input signal of 27MHZ I measure a LRCK of 105.4kHz and a BCK of 6.75 MHz

The ratio of LRCK to BCK is ok, but the frequency is wrong.

Assuming the unnamed clock divider in the grey box is controlled by 0x25, it is set to 1:8

I think P,J,D and R control the PLL settings (also Fig 29, not in the screen shot)

Trying to understand the output I get:

LRCK=105 kHz -> reg 0x27 is 1:64 -> BCK = 6.75MHz -> reg 0x26 is 1:4 -> 27MHz

How is the unnamed MUX (clock div / SCK) controlled?

Is this one maybe directly sourcing the 27 MHz via SCK?

Can someone please review my register settings?

Best regards,


  • Found a solution, here are the settings for 27MHz to 48kHz, it works in this order:

    i2cset  $ADC 0x0 0x0
    i2cset  $ADC 0x25 0x7
    i2cset  $ADC 0x26 0x3
    i2cset  $ADC 0x27 0x3F
    i2cset  $ADC 0x28 0x1
    i2cset  $ADC 0x29 0x2
    i2cset  $ADC 0x2a 0x0
    i2cset  $ADC 0x2b 0xa
    i2cset  $ADC 0x2c 0xfc
    i2cset  $ADC 0x2d 0x0a

    Wait here for a while, maybe for the PLL lock (P0.28 bit 4)?

    Then do:

    i2cset  $ADC 0x20 0x7e

    Check the register and if the contents != 0x7e, set again.

  • Hi Lo,

    I'm glad that you were able to find a solution. It seems you changed your calculation numbers, did you try without the wait before the last register write?

  • Hi Justin,

    my 2nd post is a mix up from 44.1kHz and 48kHz, sorry. The settings in my fist post are correct for 48kHz.
    I still got the issue that I have to wait for 'some time' before doing the last write to register 0x20.

    I've got three PCM1863 on the board, so I'd like to set the clocking as fast as possible.
    Could you please tell me if there's a bit I should poll before writing to register 0x20?

  • Hi Lo,

    I would suggest putting the part in digital standby (register 112) before making the PLL changes and then come out of digital standby after all the PLL changes have been made.

    You stated that you have 48 KHz working, does that mean your settings for 44.1 KHz are still not working?

  • Hello Justin,

    I use the following parameters for the PLL with an input clock of 27MHz and a L/R clock of 441.kHz / bit clock of 2.8224MHz:

    # PLLCK = (PLLCKIN*R*K)/P = 98.304MHz

    # values:

    # P=3, R=1, K=10.352

    # K splits up in J and D: J=10 D=352

    I haven't found much on the PLL lock bit behaviour in the manual, so now I enable the digital stand-by (0x70 bit1) but that didn't do much. I have to set it at least twice using the sequence mentioned above.

    Can you please post the recommended sequence to start the PLL?

    The chapter 8.13.5 reads:

    [please look it up in the manual as the rich text formatting currently does not work, it used to work a few days ago]

    I assue the "/=" means "!=" so the second set of conditions applies.

    Since 4 = J = 11 doesn't make sense, I assume that this too is a formatting mistake and the "=" signs must be replaced by "<" or "<=" signs. Since I use J=10, I'm safe either way.

    Then there is the variable N that also enforces constraints:

    [please look it up in the manual as the rich text formatting currently does not work, it used to work a few days ago]

    N isn't described further in this chapter, but I guess this is the total divider ratio from the dividers in the grey box (page 29). Can you please confirm this?

    Also in the grey box there is the unnamed divider which seems to be controlled by Page0 Reg 0x25, is that correct?

    Setting those dividers to 1:64, 1:4 and 1:8 respectively that would result in a 1: 2048 divider which makes sense and the default settings match N in the example.

    The register numbers mentioned below the example form the data sheet don't seem to match the register numbers from the register map. Please comment.

    I've selected the ADC and the DSP 1/2 to source the clock form the PLL, which, when clocked with the settings above, would result in ~94MHz.

    Should I modify the clock dividers for the ADC and the DSP1/2?

    The most urgent is the PLL initialization sequence and the PLL lock check.

    Best regards,

  • Hi Justin,

    I use this sequence to set the PLL:

    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x0 0x0

    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x25 0x7
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x26 0x3
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x27 0x3F

    #clock selection
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x20 0x7e

    #enable PLL
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x28 0x1

    #set PLL, PLLCKIN is 27MHZ (video clock)
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x29 0x2
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x2a 0x0
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x2b 0xa
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x2c 0x60
    i2cset -y 2 $ADC 0x2d 0x01

    Can you please confirm that this sequence is permitted?

    PS: rich text edit w/ images is still broken,.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Lo,

    Your code is so close. The only thing that you need to add is the register writes for the clock dividers of the ADC, DSP1, and DSP2. Their thresholds are:
    -The ADC Clock should operate anywhere form 1.024MHz to  6.144MHz
    -DSP1 and DSP2 clocks should operate anywhere from 1.024MHz to 49.152MHz

    I have attached my .cfg file to this post that works with the 27MHz clock. The dividers have chosen should give you the best THD values with your clock settings. The only addition to your code are the following register writes: 

    #Set audio ADC Clock DIvider
    w 94 23 0F

    #Set DSP1 Clock Divider
    w 94 21 01

    #Set DSP2 Clock Divider
    w 94 22 01


    Hope this helps!

    Mike Ulrich