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[ LM48100-Q1 ] Malfunctioning Output

[ LM48100-Q1 ] Malfunctioning Output


My customer has reported that the malfunctioning output from ESD test.
Before applying the ESD voltage (+/-8kV) to output pins (OUTA and OUTB), the output waveform is normal.

However, after applying the ESD voltage to OUTA and OUTB, the output from OUTA and OUTB turn to be in the same phase (synchronization), and it's no more differential signal. it means no sound.

In this state, once customer send some commands to LM48100-Q1, then LM48100-Q1 goes back to normal mode (playing back tone.) So it's assumed that the device is not damaged.

Can you explain why this happen? and how does ESD voltage affect to operational mode?

Thank you for your support in advance.

  • Hi Kenichiro

    This behavior is odd, I'm going to research about that and I'll come back to you as soon as possible with more information.

    Best Regards
    Jose Luis Figueroa
    Audio Applications Engineer | A-Team
  • Hi Jose,

    Thank you for your support! Can I have an update/comment within today?
    Sorry for rushing you, but the customer is really close to production start.

    I have communicated with the customer and shared that only ESD specification of HBM and CDM are specified in the datasheet.
    The Customer also noticed that point and tried some combinations of ESD protection devices, but still cannot be improved.

    What the customer expect from us at this moment is some kind of estimation and/or assumption how the device can go into this mode.

    Thank you for your support in advance.
  • Kenichiro

    Unfortunately, we can't guarantee a correct operation if the customer doesn't follow the provided guidelines in the amplifier's datasheet.
    Could you provide me the values of the registers before and after of that this condition happens? and Do you know if Fault pin detects a fault condition after applying the ESD voltage? This information could be useful to determinate a possible cause.

    Best Regards
    Jose Luis Figueroa
    Audio Applications Engineer | LPAA
  • Hi Jose,

    Yes, that's what customer need to make sure the operation on their board.

    I'm asking them to share the information (register value and some other observations) with us as much as possible. I will share with you once I have it.

    Can you check whether there is an instance that LM48100 make same phase output?

  • Hi Kenichiro

    Sure, I'll continue working on this and I'll come back to you if I find something useful.

    Best Regards
    Jose Luis Figueroa
    Audio Applications Engineer | LPAA
  • Hi Jose,


    Here are the register information and some findings that customer has tried so far.
    Please take a look and give me your feedback.


    < Register Settings, before failure happen >:


    Mode Control Register:                           0x14

    Diagnostic Control Register:                   0x20

    Fault Detection Control Register:           0x47

    Volume Control 1:                                      0x7B

    Volume Control 2:                                      0x80


    < Command sending test, after failure happen 1>:


    Mode Control Register:         0x00

    Mode Control Register:         0x14


    No improvement (same phase)


    < Command sending test, after failure happen 2>:


    Volume Control 1:                    0x7B

    Mode Control Register:         0x00

    Mode Control Register:         0x14


    Improved, resume playback with differential signal


    < Performing Continuous Diag.>:


    Changing register settings, before applying ESD / failure happen.


    Fault Detection Control Register:         0x40

    Diagnostic Control Register:                   0x38


    During performing continuous diag., LM48100 does not play sound (as expected).

    Then customer keeps monitoring FAULT signal (low = fault).


    Applying ESD, then failure mode confirmed. No FAULT indication (still keep high).


    Then sending the following command to disable continuous diag.

    Diagnostic Control Register:                   0x24

    Diagnostic Control Register:                   0x20


    No FAULT indication (still keep high), also same phase


    Then sending following command.


    Volume Control 1:                    0x7B

    Mode Control Register:         0x00

    Mode Control Register:         0x14


    Improved, resume playback with differential signal


    Thank you for your support as always.

  • Hi Jose,

    Can I have some feedbacks from your side today?
    Sorry for rushing you...


  • Hi Kenichiro

    I have been researching about this matter. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find something about this issue.
    You must take into account that it is quite difficult to find this kind of information due to this device is old part and the people who works with these parts isn't longer on ti.
    But I'll continue researching and let you know if I find something about this.

    Best Regards
    Jose Luis Figueroa
    Audio Applications Engineer | LPAA
  • Hi Jose,

    Thank you for working on this...I see that you have no information...hmm : (
