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My customer has reported that the malfunctioning output from ESD test.
Before applying the ESD voltage (+/-8kV) to output pins (OUTA and OUTB), the output waveform is normal.
However, after applying the ESD voltage to OUTA and OUTB, the output from OUTA and OUTB turn to be in the same phase (synchronization), and it's no more differential signal. it means no sound.
In this state, once customer send some commands to LM48100-Q1, then LM48100-Q1 goes back to normal mode (playing back tone.) So it's assumed that the device is not damaged.
Can you explain why this happen? and how does ESD voltage affect to operational mode?
Thank you for your support in advance.
Hi Jose,
Here are the register information and some findings that customer has tried so far.
Please take a look and give me your feedback.
< Register Settings, before failure happen >:
Mode Control Register: 0x14
Diagnostic Control Register: 0x20
Fault Detection Control Register: 0x47
Volume Control 1: 0x7B
Volume Control 2: 0x80
< Command sending test, after failure happen 1>:
Mode Control Register: 0x00
Mode Control Register: 0x14
No improvement (same phase)
< Command sending test, after failure happen 2>:
Volume Control 1: 0x7B
Mode Control Register: 0x00
Mode Control Register: 0x14
Improved, resume playback with differential signal
< Performing Continuous Diag.>:
Changing register settings, before applying ESD / failure happen.
Fault Detection Control Register: 0x40
Diagnostic Control Register: 0x38
During performing continuous diag., LM48100 does not play sound (as expected).
Then customer keeps monitoring FAULT signal (low = fault).
Applying ESD, then failure mode confirmed. No FAULT indication (still keep high).
Then sending the following command to disable continuous diag.
Diagnostic Control Register: 0x24
Diagnostic Control Register: 0x20
No FAULT indication (still keep high), also same phase
Then sending following command.
Volume Control 1: 0x7B
Mode Control Register: 0x00
Mode Control Register: 0x14
Improved, resume playback with differential signal
Thank you for your support as always.
Hi Jose,
Thank you for working on this...I see that you have no information...hmm : (