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CCS/TLV320AIC3106: I2S configuration on CC3200 for transmitting mono audio using TLV320AIC3106

Part Number: TLV320AIC3106
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CC3200,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio


My application is to send voice information which is collected using TLV320AIC3106 with VoIP using CC3200. I will be using a condenser mic which is connected to TLV320AIC3106. CC3200 collects data through I2S and send this data to VoIP server using SIP/RTP. I am using G.711 codec in RTP for sending data. 

Edit: I am not sure how, but some part of my question has been lost! So I am adding them again.

According to swru367c.pdf , BitClock = (Sampling_Frequency * 2 * bits/sample). My application needs 8000Hz sampling frequency which yields to 64 kbit/s bitrate (8 kHz sampling frequency × 8 bits per sample) MONO audio. For audio clock generation I am using BCLK, which is according to my understanding is 64KHz. Is it an acceptable value for TLV320AIC3106? How can I generate audio clock for my application? Is it possible to generate 8 bit audio data from TLV320AIC3106? because Page 0 / Register 9's Audio Serial Data Word Length Control has only 16,20,24,32 bit options!  

In short is it possible to generate G.711 codec from TLV320AIC3106 with BCL as input for clock generation? 

if yes, What are the configuration needed to do so in TLV320AIC3106 side as well as in CC3200 side? Please help.


Vishnu Pradeep

  • Hi, Vishnu,


    Regarding he required configuration for the TLV320AIC3106, I would recommend you to use the recording script available in the AIC310x GUI as reference, changing the parameters specific for your application. Also, we have an app note where you can find good information to get started with the configuration of the 'AIC3106.

    About the configuration of the CC3200, our colleagues in the CC32xx forum will be able to help you.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,

    Thanks for the reply. App note helped me understand something. My question was broken because of some issue! I am confused about configuring TLV320AIC3106 for G.711 CODEC that whether it possible or not. G.711 says 8 bits per sample, but I couldn't find 8 bits audio data configuration in TLV320AIC3106 datasheet. Am I missing something in the datasheet?

    Thanks & regards,
    Vishnu Pradeep
  • HI, Vishnu,

    Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately, the TLV320AIC3106 is not ableto support the clock rates you are mentioning. This device can operate in I²S, LJ or RJ stereo modes, with a bit clock of twice the size of the data size, which minimum is 16-bit.  However, if your processor is able to operate with 8-bits only and is compatible with the clock configuration mentioned, the host should be able to ignore the 8 least significant bits and use the most significant bits only.

    Best Regards,

      -Diego Meléndez López
       Audio Applications Engineer

  • Hi Diego,

    Thanks for the reply. I am sorry I couldn't get it completely. If AIC3106 cannot support that clock rate how does it matter if the processor able to operate with 8-bits and can ignore 8LSBs?

    Is there any workaround to make this thing work for the G.711 codec?
    I am using asterisk VoIP server, so it supports only limited audio profiles! Is there any VoIP compatable audio profiles that can be generated using AIC3106 which Asterisk supports?

    Thanks & regards,
    Vishnu Pradeep
  • Hi Diego,

    I think If I can supply MCLK which falls in the operable region ( 512KHz - 50MHz ), I could get 8 Ksps 16bit data and I should ignore 8 LSB. Will this satisfy my requirement?

    Thanks & regards,
    Vishnu Pradeep