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Hi Sirs,
Would you please assist us to review if the TAS2557's SDOUT for echo reference goes to zero gradually with 16 bits ASI a normal behavior? Should we program the TAS2557's ASI to 32 bits all the way to avoid this problem?
1. TAS2557 ASI Word Length = 16, BCLK = 512kHz, LRCK=8kHz
SDOUT floating - TAS2770 SDOUT goes to zero gradually
SDOUT connected to SOC's SDIN. TAS2770 SDOUT goes to zero gradually
2. TAS2557 ASI Word Length = 32, SDOUT floating. BCLK = 2.822MHz, LRCK=441.kHz, TAS2770 SDOUT goes to zero sharply
SDOUT connected to SOC's SDIN. TAS2770 SDOUT, TAS2770 SDOUT goes to zero sharply
Thank you and Best regards,
Wayne Chen
Thank you Ivan.
Customer's lTAS2557 loos like B00_P00_R01/ B00_P01_R05 are zeros. Can the problem be fixed by writing B00_P01_R05 = 0x80?
sh-3.2# cat /sys/kernel/debug/regmap/registers
00: 00
01: 00
02: 00
03: a0
04: 00
05: 00
Thank you and Best regards,
Wayne Chen
Hi Ivan,
Thanks for your concern. Customer is trying to update I2C registers through Linux driver. We will get you back customer's test result shortly.
Thank you and Best regards,
Wayne Chen
Hi Ivan,
Sorry foe delay. Customer found that the SDOUT waveform problem could be solved by setting the TAS2557 to 32 bit I2S format.
Customer thinks this is a workaround but not root cause, hence we need to keep following this issue.
Thank you and Best regards,
Wayne Chen