Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY
I've been programming the LMX2694 fine for a couple weeks using a USB2ANY and TICPRO. All of the sudden it stopped programming the part. I replaced the USB2ANY with a new one. I can tell the chip is in some sort of a reset mode because it reads around 281mA. I measured the SPI lines and noticed that when in idle the SCLK lines and the CS/LE line are both reading high. I removed the USB2ANY from the LMX2694 and measured the lines just from USB2ANY and SCLK and CE/LE are both being held high once I pick the LMX2694 in the TICSPRO tool. When a SPI function is issued you see the CE/LE line go low and then the SCLK will go low after 600ns or so and then start clocking with the data. According to the LMX2694 data sheet SCLK must be low when CE/LE goes low or the chip will not program. I'm not sure if there was an update to the USB2ANY, but it is not issuing the SPI commands properly from TICSPRO. I used a different microcontroller to try and program the LMX2694 and I was able to load registers. So I know the LMX2694 is working properly. Need some guidance on this please.