We’re working with two identical boards, each of which have an LMK05028 and each of which are fed by a common 10 MHz that’s going through a splitter. We’ve programmed each LMK05028 to output 375 MHz from Outputs 0 and 1 using PLL2. We have each board’s 375 MHz outputs hooked up to a scope and we’re triggering off one of them. The two outputs are nominally locked but we’re seeing about 0.5 UI of jitter between them. When we removed the 10 MHz source, the two outputs free run relative to each other. The 10 MHz source is from an Orolia SecureSync GPS receiver and I'm confident its phase noise is excellent. We’re wondering if there are settings in the LMK05028 that we could try to see if we eliminate the jitter. Maybe the chip is entering some kind of holdover or attempting to sync to a different input and then snapping back to the 10 MHz? I've attempted to attach our .tcs file to this post since my screenshots aren't high-enough resolution to be readable. Would appreciate any potential tips you can provide. Thanks in advance!