Other Parts Discussed in Thread: USB2ANY, , LMK04616
I received a new LMK04616EVM and have it configured using the USB2ANY module and the TICS Pro. The silicon ID comes up as LMK04616, 6: Dual Loop PLL, PG2p0, 1, 20744. However I am not seeing any signals at the output of the device even using the default setup configuration. All appear to be off. I at least expect to see the external VCXO at the OSCout but only see a ground potential with no signal, even at the chip side of the DC blocking cap, C31. I can see a 122.88 MHz signal at the VCXO output. However neither this frequency nor the tune line change when applying the CLKin signal to PLL1. I have measured all power to the chip and that appears fine (default values). I have also re-checked all the default switch settings on the board. I note some things that may be unusual. During register read back some registers will say similar things to, "Read back Register R0x93 as value 0x009300 was 0x009380 XOR difference = 0x000080." Also when checking status I note a message, "Readback, forcing bits failed, USB2ANY switch connected?" However, the USB2ANY comes up as connected when I look at the USB communications menu and the light on it will flash when identifying it.
Looking into this a bit farther I measured good signals at JU1 pins 4 (SDIO) and 8 (SCL) when trying to communicate with the LMK04616 via TICS Pro. However with S4B closed the SDIO signal is loaded and does not appear on the S4 side of R74 - LMK04616 side of the SDIO path. Measuring the resistance from TP8 to GND I see about something in the 100 ohm range. This may be the problem. Bad LMK04616, or stuck in the O mode?