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TLC2932A: PLL device instead of TLC2932A (NRND)

Guru 19605 points
Part Number: TLC2932A
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CDCM7005

I looking for PLL device for matched below specification because matched TLC2932A is NRND.

Is there recommend device instead of TLC2932A?


・Output: 12.2727MHz (or 24.545454MHz)

・Input reference frequency: 15.75kHz (Divide: 1/780)

・Divider is external

・It is OK to non-VCO output, external VCXO is OK (Pre charge / Phase comparator output)


Best regards,


  • Hello Satoshi-san,

    These frequencies are too low for the LMX devices. I'll let Dean correct me if I'm wrong.

    However I think you may find the CDCM7005 clocking device to be able to accept a low frequency, work with an external VCXO, and be able to generate a clock output.

    I'm a bit confused about your Output frequency of 12.272727... MHz, it's relationship to 15.75 kHz, and you're comment about the 1/780 divide. Shouldn't these have an integer relationship? For example 15.75 kHz / R * N = VCXO Frequency == Output Frequency?
