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Hi There,
I am interested in the SE555M device but the product page only gives the generic xx555 datasheet so I cannot ascertain the differences between the product options below other than the fact that the _FKB part has a different package.
Does anyone have a reference that would have me ascertain the (presumably standard adherence) differences between the following sub-models of the SE555M
I am researching the differences and will get back to you tomorrow.
I have at least half of the information gathered, but am I waiting on clarification on a couple points. Please be patient as this may take one more day.
In the meantime, what requirements are needed for your application?
Hi Ron,
Thanks for looking into this for me.
I am looking for a high reliability, extended temperature range 555 timer, some documented radiation tolerance would be nice but is not essential.
I have found a number of the sub-models of the SE555M available at varying prices so am wanting to understand which one might be most suitable for my application.
JM38510/10901BPA & M38510/10901BPA are the same part, the J is a legacy marker
M38510 is a military grade.
SE555FKB & SE555JGB also are military grade (note the B suffix)
SE555JG is just a ceramic wide temperature device. This is why it is less expensive.
See the SE555-SP for radiation tolerance. Part number 5962-9855501VPA
Hi Ron,
That is good information!
What are the differences between the M38510 and the SE555xxB devices? Are they adhering to different military standards? Is there a datasheet available there?
I am trying to get a quote for the SE555-SP device but I'm not having too much success on that front...
Start here;
Near bottom of the page is this: military and HiRel products process flows. In it, among other things, you will see that "B" is MIL-PRF-38535 (QML)
Only SE555 has a dedicated data sheet, the other share the commercial data sheet.
For non technical questions such as purchasing. Try the advice in the last post (Feb 13) of this thread.
Hi Ronald,
Thank you very much for that information. As a final clarification/confirmation M38510/10901BPA and SE555JGB are identical? both being the same device that is compliant with MIL-PRF-38535.
As these parts are not radiation tolerant. Can you confirm that they would therefore be considered QML Class Q?
M38510/10901BPA and SE555JGB are built in the same way. The differences are in electrical test. (slide page 11)
M38510/10901BPA is tested by JAN slash sheet requirements.
SE555JGB is tested by current TI Data sheet.
Yes, QML Class Q