Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LMK61E2
we got an evaluation board of LMK61PD as we need a clean reference frequency but at the same time that frequency needs to be moved (avoiding spurs in an addititional PLL). We thought that by the pins we could change, among the pre-programmed ones, the frequency "on the go". Unfortunately, we realized that this selection is possible only at bootstrap which means that, in order to change frequency, the device should be turned off an on. Needless to say, that would not feasible in our design for meny reasons. Therefore I have a coupe of question:
- Is there any hope to have the frequency change "on the go"?
- Is there any similar device which could allow changing the frequency "on the go"?.
- I downloaded the datasheet of LMK61E2 which is programmable via I2C. However, it is not clear whether this progammable feature is aimed only for storing in E2PROM and then use the device at the selected, but fixed, frequency.
Thank you for your help,