Part Number: DAC81416EVM
We are currently developing a design where we control the DAC61416 with a 3,3 V µC (Teensy 4.1). The initial design to achieve SPI communication was with using a level shifter TXU0304 shifting the values to 5 V.
For testing we only try to speak to one DAC board at a time (in the final design there are 13 connected). We later realised that the DAC also works with a 3.3 V logic and therefore, got rid of the level shifters. To verify this functioning, we used DAC81416 EVM board instead and were able to update the channels successfully. When we attemt to do the same thing with the PCB that we designed, we notice that the DAC is powering on, but the channels don't output anything.
We are having the following design:
Please note: in the schematic, we also have the level shifters which we no longer use. We got a new PCB which directly connects the SPI signals from the controller to the connector and goes to the DAC (which is mounted on another PCB).
We are using the following code:

The DAC is switching on and the SPI signals are visible. But the channels are not getting updated and we cannot figure out why.
Your feedback is highly appreciated.
Thank you.