- The pace input noise is not dependent on any channel of AFE. The noise is present in all the channels.
- As you posted in the E2E post the PACE input periodic spike correlates with the data speed.
- As you updated the oscilloscope image where the periodic spikes related to the data rate is further amplified in PACE detection circuit which mistriggers the pace pulses.
- We have reviewed the layout of our system and found that there is a clear separation between AGND and DGND.
- We suspect this noise coupling is inside the AFE between AGND and DGND.
- One more answer we are looking from you is , we have separated planes in our PCB between AGND and DGND of AFE. The Microcontroller (STM32) processing the data is in DGND plane which can have switching noise, do you think this separation of AGND and DGND plane can cause this coupling on the pace out ?