LMP92066: Getting started with the programing of the IC

Part Number: LMP92066


Hi Erin, 
In my use case, During the PA turn OFF sequence, I want to Make the DAC voltage of DAC0 from -3.7V to -5V. Instead of making the DRVEN0 pin as low to get the output of DAC0 as -5V, Can i write the DAC value for -5V using I2C and get the output of DAC0 as -5V by keeping the DRVEN0 pin as high.
Basically I don't want to make the DRVEN0 pin as low to get -5V at the output. I want the DRVEN0 pin to be high.

Thanks and Regards,

  • Hi Vaishak,

    Yes, you can do this through the "OVRD_CNTL" register. This register lets you ignore the temperature software, allowing you to write whatever value you want to the DAC. 

    You would write your overwrite data to registers 0x0B, 0x0C, 0x0D, 0x0E (if you want -5, you would write all Fs). Then, you would enable the overwrite, register 0x08 data 0x02. Let me know if you have any other questions.


  • Thanks.
    So I assume there won't be any problem to Change the voltage value from -3.7V to -5V through I2C lines keeping the DRVEN0 pin as high.