ADS124S08: How to measure resistance?

Part Number: ADS124S08


Please explain how to measure resistance using ADS124S08. (Not a thermistor or RTD.)

After studying the datasheet, I keep thinking I understand how to do this, but then realize I do not. I think I'm missing something simple.

Best regards,


  • Hi John Schmitz,

    Can you explain what you mean by measuring resistance? As in you just want to apply some unknown resistance to the ADC and measure it?

    Of course you can do this directly using a resistor divider, and biasing the resistor divider with the REFOUT voltage (this would be very similar to a thermistor measurement)

    So maybe I am not understanding your question, as this seems self-evident


  • Hi Bryan,

    Now I see the simple things I missed. Also, too many datasheets open:)
