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8chane/16bit ADC

Guru 13485 points
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ADC128S102, ADS1208, ADS8332, ADS8568

looking for 8 chanel,16bit ADC,with NUX,like  ADS1208 or the ADC128S102, for testability capability (BIT=Build In Test).

ADI has such device,AD7606.

Can the BIT be implement with the ADS8332?

  • Hi Eli,

    The closest device we have in our portfolio would be the ADS8568.

  • Hi Eli,

    Can you describe this built in test capability you are looking for. I am not really familiar with the term and when looking at the AD7606, it did not come out to me. Take a look at the ADS8568 for a simultaneous sampling 8 channel SAR similar to the AD7606.


    Tony Calabria

  • need to know that the internal ADC is working well.

    With ADI for example they can send for example,a  5V to the SAR,and looking if they reading  back 5V .If yes,than the ADC working well.

    With ADS8568,they have to test/check 8 different adc ,which is mor complicated

    Hop its understoode now