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I have been working with ADS1292R for several weeks but still cannot get it to work.
The problem is that, no matter what I try, registers can be written (as far as I can tell) but no read. Hardware connections have been double checked, two identical PCBs were assembled with same results and different SPI configurations have been tested.
Did anyone experience the same problem? Do you have any troubleshooting suggestions?
Can you find the cause for this on the below code, SPI configuration or schematics that I am using?
- ADS1292R is connected to a PIC32MX250F128B.
- SPI configuration: Idle state for clock is a low level, serial output data changes on transition from Idle clock state to active clock state and input data sampled at middle of data output time (CKP=CKE=SMP=0); SCLK freq.: 1MHz.
- Register write code:
SPI1CONbits.ON = 1; // SPI module on
PORTBbits.RB15 = 0; // CS low
SPI1BUF = ReceivedDataBuffer[1]; // WREG OPCODE1, say 0x42
SPI1BUF = ReceivedDataBuffer[2]; // REG DATA, say 0x88
ShortDelay(140); // approx. 4T_clk delay
PORTBbits.RB15 = 1; // CS high
SPI1CONbits.ON = 0; // SPI module off
- Register read code:
SPI1CONbits.ON = 1; // SPI module on
PORTBbits.RB15 = 0; // CS low
SPI1BUF = ReceivedDataBuffer[1]; // RREG OPCODE1, say 0x20
SPI1BUF = 0x00; // MOSI low during data reading
ToSendDataBuffer[1] = SPI1BUF; // REG DATA
ShortDelay(140); //approx. 4T_clk delay
PORTBbits.RB15 = 1; // CS high
SPI1CONbits.ON = 0; // SPI module off
- ADS1292R schematics is as follows:
- For example, by sending first a RESET command (0x06), I can write 0x01 or 0x02 to GPIO and read the corresponding levels on GPIO1/2 pins. Or I can also write 0x88 to CONFIG2 and then read 512.9KHz on CLK pin, this is how it looks like:
- But, whenever I try to read a register (anyone) always read 0x00
- Also checked DOUT pin disconnected from the PIC32 MISO pin (with the logic analyzer), to rule out problems caused by the microcontroller, but it's the same: DOUT remains low for the entire transaction.
At this point I am just keeping my fingers crossed to make this work :-)
Thanks in advance for your time and suggestions!
Unfortunately, none. I tried everything I knew and reached a point where I decided to exclude ADS1292 from my design. If you find something, please post it. This would be a very convenient circuit for me, If I could make it work.
Hi TI guys
I have same problem, the DOUT always low. And I checked the DOUT, no short circuit with GND. Would you please help check this problem, it has been blocked me for few days.
By now I tried following tests:
Test 1. Issue reset squence --> issue SDATAC to stop read data continuously mode --> Read ID of ADS1292 through SPI, DOUT is keeping low voltage.
Test 2. Issue reset squence, then pull high START, I can see the DRDY* is working on oscilloscope. Then start SPI on MCU to try to read ADS1292, at this moment, SCLK, CS*, DRDY* is working correct. But DOUT still keeping low. (I have experience of using ADS1298, it works fine, so I know the correct behavior of DRDY*, now the DRDY* of ADS1292 has same behavior with ADS1298, so I think the ADS1292 is working now, at least the input signals CLK, SCLK, CS* should has no problem)
Appreciate for your help in advance.
Hi Brian,
Thanks for answering. Well, the strange thing is that when I send the START and STOP commands once the DOUT pin gives some responses. I tested the same code without sending START and STOP commands and the DOUT remained low (in this case the DRDY was not toggling). However, even when the DOUT pin toggles, the MCU doesn't receive any reasonable response. This can be seen in the images below.
Blue: DOUT
Yellow: DIN
The package is for reading the ID register (like the example in page 38 in datasheet). The number of registers to be read is chosen to be 2 (so I am sending one as the second byte). Since I am using ADS1292R I should receive 0x73 I think. The same package is sent in every transmission but DOUT is sending out different packages each time which none of them is 0x73. This can be seen from the first image which is a zoom out version of the transmission.
I'm not using the internal hardware-based SPI block of the MCU. I wrote the SPI library myself. So I am sure that CS is being hold low in the whole prcoss, since the MCU starts up.
I can successfully write registers. I wrote the GPIO registers to drive an LED.
Hey Brian,
That was the problem. I sent the SDATAC command before doing anything else and the problem was solved. Thank you so much.